Designer Handbags on Sale!

Do you have that one it bag that you keep dreaming about and lusting after? Mine is a Prada bag.  I have been saving for this it bag and can't wait to get one when I go to Italy! Everyone in their lifetime should treat themselves to at least one designer bag! 

Because everyone's budget and desires are different I went ahead and rounded up the most affordable designer bags right now! They are all less than $1,000 of course and are all brand new.

Alexander Wang for $481.25

Mulberry for $800

Fendi for $749.99

Saint Laurent for $899.99

Alexander McQueen for $799.99

Chloe for $449.99

Jason Wu for $848.92

Jason Wu for $590.62

See by Chloe for $395.00

Karen Walker for $402.50

Karl Lagerfeld for $370

Miu Miu for $410

Take advantage of these sales! Do you own any of these? Which one are you dying to get?
