The Best of Back to School Bags

Hello you guys! Have you been following New York Fashion Week at all? Tomorrow is the last day.  I will have a recap for you by tomorrow.  So, stay tuned.

This post is about finding the BEST back to school bag- or should I say tote? We all know that a tote is trendier and more sophisticated than the old school backpack if you are older than 18 years old.  I spent some time looking at a few totes that would meet the following criteria specified by a VERY VERY DEAR friend, Lindsay Robinson!
  • Affordable
  • Can hold a water bottle
  • Can hold a small umbrella
  • Strong support
Here are my suggestions and where to buy them...My favorite one is the one from Zara and it's only $79.90.  

Back to School Totes

Longchamp purse

Tote bag

Marc by Marc Jacobs tote bag

Lesportsac purse

Don't be afraid to reach out to me at or through the comments here if you, a friend, or a family member are ever in need of some suggestions or styling/fashion tips.



  1. For me, the main importance is the convenience and spaciousness of the bag, and only then the appearance, since I put a lot of important things there.
